MSUAASF Message!

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Dear MSUAASF Member:

The purpose of this message is to give you a brief update on the current status of negotiations with MnSCU and to encourage you to take part in a MSUAASF Teleconference which is set for Wednesday, December 18, at 7 PM.

I have been a MSUAASF member since 1978 when I began my current position in Residential Life at Minnesota State University, Mankato.  Almost from the beginning, I have had the opportunity to represent and serve our members statewide in various roles.  I have had the pleasure of meeting many of you over the years.  Since the early 1980’s, I have been involved in all of our contract negotiations. I have taken those responsibilities very seriously and feel that based upon what we are currently experiencing in negotiations, it is important that I communicate directly with you, the membership.

In the past we have been through some very difficult rounds of negotiations, but they were at times when money was tight for all of state government. At those times, we willingly took small or no wage increases. That was done with the belief that when times got better, we would be treated appropriately.

As I am sure you are aware, AFSCME, MAPE and Middle Management Association have settled contracts for FY 2014 and FY 2015 that have wage increases of 3% plus a step (for those not at the top step) each year.  Other groups, such as those in the Judicial Branch, have received similar settlements. However, at this time, MnSCU is proposing a total compensation increase of closer to 1.8% per year for our bargaining unit, which includes the cost of things like insurance increases. That just does not seem right!

MSUAASF, with the expertise and help of Teamsters Local 320, is embarking on efforts to improve the situation and work to make sure that there is more money on the MnSCU negotiations table.  These efforts will only be successful if we have the support of the membership.  That support includes receiving Action Alert messages and taking the recommended actions to MnSCU Board members and legislators as requested; as well as attendance at the Teleconference Town Hall meeting.

I am requesting that you attend the MSUAASF Teleconference Town Hall meeting that is set for Wednesday, December 18, 2013 at 7 PM.  You will be able to access this meeting via a computer, cell phone, electronic device, telephone, etc.  There is more information on this meeting attached to my letter. Also, you can find a video tutorial for accessing the virtual Town Hall meeting on the password protected page on the Teamsters Local 320 website:

The MSUAASF State Negotiations Team and State Board of Directors, as well as the Teamsters Local 320 Board, all believe that our efforts will lead to a better outcome at the negotiations table.  That is why we are embarking down this path and are asking you to participate.  Unless you are very comfortable with a settlement of only 1.8% a year, you need to participate and help make a difference!

I assure you that MSUAASF and Teamsters Local 320 will be working hard to reach a good contract settlement in the months to come.  Your help will make a huge difference.

Thanks and take care!


Richard P. Wheeler

MSUAASF State Grievance Officer

Statewide Virtual MSUAASF Meeting: Wednesday, December 18th at 7:00 P.M.

This meeting is to discuss the MSUAASF contract negotiations in addition to proposed actions that will inform and influence MnSCU Trustees and later State Legislators. It will take a coordinated effort and unified strategy to get MSUAASF equal to the State settlements with AFSCME, MAPE and Middle Management.

Teamsters Local 320 will telecast and webcast the discussion at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, December 18th. MSUAASF members can either call in by phone or use their computer to participate. Please follow the outlined instructions…

WHAT: Statewide Town Hall Meeting

WHEN: Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2013, 7:00 PM.

WHO: MSUAASF members

WHY: To Discuss contract negotiations and communication actions

Please read instructions!

Teleconference instructions

Date and time: Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2013 at 7:00 pm

Meeting Dashboard:

Phone number: (530) 881-1212
Meeting ID: 957-297-693

To join by phone, at the scheduled date and time of the meeting, dial into the conference line. When prompted, enter the meeting ID, followed by the pound key.

To join the online meeting, click on the meeting link listed above, and then press “Join”. On the next page, complete your name and email address, then press “Submit”. The system will guide you through the process of downloading the meeting dashboard to participate in the online meeting.

To ask questions or comment you can either do so by using the “chat dialogue box” on the dashboard or you can press *6 on your touch-tone phone and ask a question or make a comment vocally.

If you join online (computer) please do so 10 minutes prior to ensure you have downloaded the software.

To know that you have properly downloaded the software you will see the following application of your computer’s desktop.


Participants wanting to use this feature will simply click on the phone inside the circle from the meeting dashboard to be place into the call. They will need to have a built- in microphone and speakers on the computer to use this feature (You may also plug in a headset).

  1. Log into
  2. Once you have logged, please click on “Get StartMeeting” on the left hand side of your wall.
  3. Locate your “Meeting Dashboard” and click on “File”.
  4. Then click on “Preferences”.
  5. From there click on “Phone Panel”.
  6. Please highlight “Mic and Speakers” and move it from the left hand side of the window to the right hand side using the arrow pointing to the right.
